1: What is the book you’ve given most as a gift, and why?
Digging into the first question posed by Tim Ferriss in “Tribe of Mentors” ( here are all of his questions), he asks:
What is the book (or books) you’ve given most as a gift, and why? Or what are one to three books that have greatly influenced your life?
This one elicited a lot of great responses from the people that supplied answers to him. Here are some of the best that I found in the book.
From actor Terry Crews:
The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel. I have read hundreds of personal development books, but this is the one that clearly showed me how to visualize, contemplate, and focus on what it was I truly wanted. It revealed to me that we only get what we desire most, and to apply myself with a laserlike focus upon a goal, task, or project. That in order to “have” you must “do,” and in order to “do” you must “be”-and this process is immediate. Although it takes time for these desires to manifest in our material world, you must see the thing you desire as completed, finished, and real, now. The better you can do this, the more you can accomplish. I have bought several copies of this book and distributed it to family and friends. I also reread it probably once a month to…