Back to Pipedrive

Mickey Mellen
4 min readNov 23, 2021

When it comes to business, having a proper CRM and pipeline is crucial. Knowing who your current leads are, what stage they’re in, and when to respond is vitally important.

Many people track that kind of info in something like an Excel spreadsheet, and that’s really not bad. Simply having a place for that data puts you ahead of those that just wing it, but there are better ways to handle it.

I used Pipedrive years ago and it was great, but just didn’t quote offer enough data for me. To solve that, I built my own solution in Notion and we’ve been using it for quite a while…



Mickey Mellen

I’m a cofounder of @GreenMellen, and I’m into WordPress, blogging and seo. Love my two girls, gadgets, Google Earth, and I try to run when I can.