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Balance in any given day is overrated
Balance in life is always important.
Balance between exercise and rest.
Balance between work and play.
Balance in eating and sleeping.
However, none of that means that every single day should balance out perfectly. Consistency is worth a lot, but looking at balance across your life in terms of weeks or months is often more important (and easier to achieve) than perfect balance every day.
Ben Wilson dug into this related to Thomas Edison in his fantastic “How to take over the world” podcast. Edison frequently took things too far, but was famous for being a workaholic and then relaxing for weeks at a time on vacation to recharge.
A similar example is Yuval Noah Harari, author of the excellent book “ Sapiens” (as well as a few others), who finds time to dig in and write incredible and detailed books while also taking a 60-day silent retreat each year.
Daily can help
On the flip side, some daily habits can be helpful. Take this blog, for example. Until about a year ago, I tried to blog “a few times a week”. The archives don’t lie, and in the four months before I started publishing daily (mid-June to mid-October of 2020), I published a total of two posts. That’s not anywhere near “a few times a week”, but I’ve kept up the daily habit for over 300 days in a row now.