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The Sunday Summary: Early thrashing, quality from quantity, and offering pain
In an effort to help me keep up with everything I post each week, here is my latest “Sunday Summary” of my posts from the week.
Mon, January 13: Thrash early, not late
“The point of getting everyone involved early is simple: thrash late and you won’t ship. Thrash late and you introduce bugs. Professional creators thrash early. The closer the project gets to completion, the fewer people see it and the fewer changes are permitted.”
Tue, January 14: Quality comes from quantity
“So what was his (John Williams) process for coming up with this perfect five note sequence? He didn’t sit and meditate until inspiration from God struck him from heaven while he was sitting there. No, he wrote down dozens of five note sequences and then sat down and went through all of them with Steven Spielberg and picked the one that worked best. So get your reps in. Quantity leads to quality.”
Wed, January 15: Offer pain when it’s necessary
“I want you to be like the physician who (hesitantly) hurts patients in pursuit of making them well. I don’t want you to be the money-grubbing, power-loving consultant who wants adoring followers.“