The Sunday Summary: Why they’re amazing, staying focused, and looping for understanding

Mickey Mellen
2 min readApr 7, 2024

In an effort to help me keep up with everything I post each week, here is my latest “Sunday Summary” of my posts from the week.

Mon, April 1: Gmail turns 20
It’s hard to believe that Gmail was released 20 years ago, and it made a tremendous impact on how all of us use the internet.

Tue, April 2: Discover why they’re amazing
“Every person you meet knows an amazing lot about something you know virtually nothing about. It won’t be obvious and your job is to discover what it is.”

Wed, April 3: Three things that Bluesky is doing right
The social media app Bluesky is still quite small, but they’re doing some great things.

Thu, April 4: Stay focused or stay available?
You can be available to be reached anytime, or you can block distractions and focus, but you can’t do both.

Fri, April 5: Looping for understanding
“There’s a technique for this — looping for understanding. Here’s how it works: Ask questions, to make sure you understand what someone has said. Repeat back, in your own words, what you heard. Ask if you got it right. Continue until everyone agrees we understand.”

Sat, April 6: It’s time to confirm your held time
You can try to trick people in order to grow your business, but is it really a good move?

I hope you found some value in this. If you ever have questions, ideas, or disagreements regarding anything I write, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Originally published at on April 7, 2024.



Mickey Mellen

I’m a cofounder of @GreenMellen, and I’m into WordPress, blogging and seo. Love my two girls, gadgets, Google Earth, and I try to run when I can.